Each Faculty has its own history and achievements. Ryazan Agricultural Institute (now Ryazan Agrotechnological University) was established in 1949. On May 18 of that year the Zooengineering Faculty formed. At that time, it consisted of five departments: Feeding and Analysis of Fodders, Private Animal Husbandry, Anatomy and Physiology, Zoogygiene and Entomology, and Chemistry. The first Dean of the Faculty was Associate Professor Nikolai Zakharovich Bolhovitinov. The beginning of the journey was difficult. Nevertheless, the formation of the Faculty was successful, and it continued its progressive development. Its educational and material base was strengthened, Faculty was formed, the content of education was improved, new branches were opened, and the student population increased.
In 1998, the first set of students for the specialty "Veterinary Science" was recruited by the Zooengineering Faculty. Since February 2000, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has existed as an independent unit. In 2007, a license was obtained to open a new specialty "Veterinary and sanitary examination." In that year, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zooengineering merged, the combined faculty was named the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology.
Over time, the Faculty was headed by the following Deans:
· Bolhovitinov Nikolai Zararovich,Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor, 1949-1959.
· Starodubtsev Vasyl Mikhail, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor, 1959-1967.
· Alexander Tishchenko, Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor, 1969-1971.
· Pavlov Pavel Ivanovich, Candidate of Veterinary Medicine, Associate Professor, 1971-1973.
· Shopushkova Valentina Vasilievna Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor, 1973-1983
· Vasiliyev Anatoly Vasilyevich, Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor, 1983-1987,
· Afanasiev Viktor Ivanovich, Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor and Honored Zootechnical of the Russian Federation, 1987-2004.
· Lavrenov Sergey Mikhailovich, Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor, 2004-2011.
· Bystrova Irina Yurievna, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor, since 2011 to present.
All Deans have been competent specialists. They have made a great contribution to the development of the Faculty. Thanks to them, the Faculty has become a modern educational scientific center.
The consistently high level of training, both at the bachelor's and master's degree levels, as well as following traditions, allow the Faculty to remain the leading link in the training of high-level specialists for the agriculture of the region and beyond.