
Dean of Technological Department

Cherkasov Oleg Victorovich

Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor

Honorary Employee of Russian Agro-Industrial Complex


Deputy Deans:

· Vavilova Natalia Vladimirovna, Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor;

· Khabarova Tatiana Valerievna, Candidate of Biological Science, Associate Professor and Deputy Dean for Scientific Work;

· Antoshina Olga Alekseyevna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor and Deputy Dean for Educational Work; and

· Nikitov Sergey Valerievich, Candidate of Biological Science, Associate Professor


Agronomy and agrotechnologies:

Vinogradov Dmitry Valereevich, Department Head and Professor, Doctor of Biological Science, Tel.35-35-16

Agricultural production and processing technologies:

Morozova Nina Ivanovna,Department Head and Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Tel. 34-12-89

Technology of public catering:

Cherkasov Oleg Victorovich, Department Head and Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Science, Tel. 34-11-02

Selection and seed production, agrochemicals, forestry and ecology:

Fadkin Gennady Nikolayevich, Department Head and Associate Professor,Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,Tel. 98-20-15


Ushakov Roman Nikolayevich, Department Head and Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Tel. 98-20-15


IAC "Ryazanskiy Forest" - Tel. 35-79-01

NOC "Nano-biotechnologies" - Tel. 35-96-52

Educational and scientific complex - Tel. 34-12-89

The Faculty of Technology was formed in 1993. The first Dean of the Faculty was Professor Borisov G.A.,Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. At the beginning, the Faculty trained specialists in the production and processing of agricultural products.

From 1995 to 2007, the Faculty of Technology was headed by a Candidate of Agricultural Sciences and Associate Professor, Kuzin AV. During this period, the Faculty expanded specializations in processing technologies into technologies of meat, dairy and crop production. A new specialty of Goods Science and Expertise of Goods was also opened in that period, but was transferred in 2014 from the Faculty of Technology to the Faculty of Economics and Management.

From 2007 to present, the Dean is a Candidate of Agricultural Sciences and Associate Professor, Cherkasov O.V. Under his leadership a new direction of preparation, Product Technology and Organization of Public Catering, has been established.

In 2013, the direction of training of the agro-ecological faculty was introduced into the faculty. Now the Joint Faculty of Technology represents about 1.500 students in full time and part time forms of study.

During its existence, the Faculty has produced several thousand highly qualified specialists who hold senior positions in enterprises of the agro-industrial complex not only of the Ryazan region, but also of other regions of the country.

Among the most prominent graduates are:

1. Mikhail Panfilov, Head of the Administration of the Municipality Rybnoe City Settlement;

2. Veronica Skavronskaya, Head of the Department of the Ministry of Nature Management and Ecology of the Ryazan Region;

3. Alexander Ilukhin, Head of Technical Service of ZAO,Tetra Park (Russia);

4. Roman Koev, General Director of ZAO "Zararovsky Dairy Plant";

5. Constantine Karpov, Director of "Peasant MPC," LLC;

6. Inna Shishkina, Chief Federal Inspector of the Federal Budget Institution "State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Ryazan Region";

7. Maria Ignatkina, Head of Production of Agromolkombinat "Ryazanskiy," LLC;

8. Marina Ulkina, Chief Technologist of Agromolkombinat "Ryazanskiy," LLC; and

9. Olga Svinukhova, Head of Laboratory of Agromolkombinat "Ryazanskiy," LLC.

Classes at the Faculty of Technology have always been conducted by highly qualified teachers with great experience not only in the field of higher education, but also in the workplace. Among the faculty are more than 10 doctors of science and professors; more than 30 candidates of science and associate professors;as well as five Honorary Workers of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Agricultural Worker, academician, and members of RAEN.

In the educational process, teachers use modern methods approved by GOSSTANDART of the Russian Federation and training technologies. Specialized training laboratories are equipped with modern equipment that meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The high level of training of specialists by faculty was recognized not only in Ryazanskaya, but also in the Tula, Kaluzhskaya, Vladimir and Moscow regions. This is not an accident. The faculty constantly improves methods and techniques of training; creates special laboratories; actively uses technical means of training and equipped computer classes with access to the Internet;and develops methodological instructions and new educational programs.

Most of the students' qualification works are based on production experiments. Each year, many of these experiments are recommended for production. The vast number of graduates of the Faculty have become highly qualified specialists and have achieved great success.

The Faculty of Technology was repeatedly awarded the Certificates of Honor at the Federal and Regional Levels. For example, in 2008, the Faculty was awarded a diploma for active participation in the exhibition "Golden Autumn" at the OCE in Moscow, as well as an Honorary Diploma by the Ministry of Food and Food of the Ryazan Region for a great contribution to the training of specialists for the agro-industrial complex. Research work of students is an important component of the educational process. The Student Scientific Society includes circles of "Meat Processing Technologist," Biochemical, "Milk Processing Technologist," Entrepreneur, "Taster," Expert, "Chemistry of Crop Production," and Culinary "Restaurateur". Prize-winning places are taken by students in regional and All-Russian inter-university Olympiads (Saransk, Samara, Volgograd, and the Republic of Belarus) in specialties and disciplines of the faculty (chemistry, informatics, etc.). Students take part in exhibitions held in Moscow at the OCE, EXPO, CROCUS, where they get acquainted with the latest achievements in science and technology.

The Faculty concluded long-term cooperation agreements with some advanced and very large enterprises, such as AMK "Ryazanskiy," LLC;ZAO "Zararovsky Dairy Plant;" OAO "Russian Brewing Company;" MP "Bakery factory № 3 of Ryazani;" "Metro Cash & Kerry," LLC;TD "Bars;" and "KOP" Kop,LLC. Students have internships at these enterprises, and also work as part of integrated student units during the summer months.

Baccalaureate Degrees

35.03.07 Technology of Agricultural Products Production and Processing

· Profile Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products

19.03.04 Products and Catering Technology

· Profile Catering Trade Technology

35.03.03 Аgrochemistry and Agrology

· Profile Agroecology

35.03.04 Agronomy

· Profile Agribusiness

35.03.01 Forest Management

· Profile Forest Management


Master’s Degrees

· 35.04.03 Agrochemistry and Agrology

· 35.04.04 Agronomy


· Innovative Environmentally Friendly Agricultural Technologies Program

· Adaptive Agriculture Program

Scientific Work

Main Scientific Directions (Scientific Schools) of the Faculty of Technology


Faculty Names and Titles


Biocompatibility of nanoparticles of different nature and development of biologically active preparations based on them

Polishuk Svetlana Dmitrievna, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor


Increase in soil fertility and agrophytocenosis productivity through rational use of local phosphorites and growth regulators


Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor; and

Ushakov Roman Nikolaevich,

Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor


Improvement of agricultural technology of potato cultivation based on phytoregulators of different nature

LevinViktor Ivanovich,

Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor


Innovative techniques in agricultural production and processing technologies

Morozova Nina Ivanovna, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor; and

Mussaev Farruh Ataullahovich,

DoctorofAgricultural Science, Professor


Creation of initial material with complex economic-valuable characteristics for selection of winter soft wheat

Kuzmin Nikolay Aleksandrovich,

Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor


Agroecological justification, development, and improvement of resource-saving technologies for crop production and storage

Kruchkov Mikhail Mihailovich, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor; and

Vinogradov Dmitry Valerievich, Doctor of Biological Science, Professor