Bachelor Degrees

Training direction35.03.06 “Agro-engineering”

Training profiles:

“Technical Systems in Agribusiness”

“Electrical Equipment and Technology”

“Technical Support in Agricultural Sector”


Training Direction 13.03.02 “Power and Electrical Engineering”

Training profile:

“Electric Power Supply”

Master’s Degrees

Training Direction 35.04.06 "Agroengineering"

Training Profiles:

  • "Power Supply" (Master’s Program of S.N. Gobelev, Candidate of Technical Science and Associate Professor,Department of Electrical Engineering and Physics)
  • "Operation and Service of Technical Systems" (Master’s Program of N.V. Byshov, Professor, Departmentof Machines and Tractors Operation)
  • "Design and Testing of Technical Systems " (Master’s Program of B.M. Ulyanov, Professor, Departmentof Technical Systems in AIC)
  • “Engineering and Testing of Technical Systems”(Master’s Program of B.M. Ulyanov, Professor, Departmentof Technical Systems in AIC)