Pro-Rector in Charge with Character Building Work

Pro-Rector in Charge with Character Building Work
Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor
Character Building
Students’ character building process is closely connected with an educational one. Our mission is not only to prepare a highly qualified specialist, but to bring up a real citizen of the society, a patriot. That is why we try to pay much attention to students’ leisure time especially those living in the dorms. We often organize KVNs, amateur talent groups’ parade, art festivals. The school of social professions has restarted working. Its activity is directed to bringing up the man respectful to history and culture of the native land.
The intensification of the social-and-economic and political transformations in Russia allots the tasks of bringing up the modern generation capable of active creative labor, being moral, preserving its physical and moral status. Character building is carried out on the ground of the "Character Building Concept of Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after Professor P.A. Kostychev" and the perspective plan of students’ bringing up for the whole period of study.
Such a work is conducted according to the following directions: patriotic, labor, aesthetic, ecological and legal education.
The center of art and aesthetic education of the youth, strengthening continuity of generations and creative initiative activation is the Recreation center of RSATU.
All the academic parties take place in the Recreation center. One can mention among them the events devoted to the memorable days of Russia, combat traditions of army and fleet, New Year ball, "Students’ Spring", KVN games and others.
The students can spend their free time with use and interest. The rector of the University rewards the most active students regularly. Every department has got its own wall newspaper presenting many facts about the students’ life, the events that have already taken place, the important department events, Ryazan region history, outstanding dates of Russia, oblast and many other interesting things.
First in 2002 there appeared the Curators’ council. The mission of it is rendering methodic assistance to curators, conducting the meetings of curators’ experience exchange, further developing and improving the methods and bringing up traditions of the University. Thus, all the character building work conducted at the University is directed to achieving the main goal of forming the Citizen, the personality, capable to live in new Russia and be useful to the society.
Our students like very much the school of social professions having the departments of theatre, choreography and aerobics. We have merry KVNs, art parties and discos in the Recreation center of the University. We keep in touch with our students’ parents who came to the annual meetings at the invitation of the deans during the whole period of study. Our students have periods of probation in the USA, England, Germany, France, Hungary and other countries.