Dean of the Pre-University Faculty

Emelyanova Anna Sergeevna

Doctor of Biological Science, Full Professor,Teacher of the Highest Qualification Category

Mokhova Maria Nikolayevna

Head of the Department of Secondary Vocational Education

Shekhova Natalya Evgenyevna

Head of the Department of Supplementary Education for Children and Adults

Kryuchkova Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Head of Vocational Guidance Department

Yavisenko Lidiya Yurevna

Specialist in Training and Methodical Work

Morozova Olga Aleksandrovna

Candidate of Agricultural Science Specialist in Training and Methodical Work

Zhidkova Elena Aleksandrovna

Specialist in Training and Methodical Work


Khoromova Julia Sergeevna

Dispatcher of Pre-University Faculty


Specialty 23.02.03– Road Transport Maintenance Operation and Repair

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Qualification –Technician-Mechanic

The area of professional activity–organization and performance of works on maintenance and repair of road transport; organization of activities of primary laborers

Form of training – full time

Duration of training – 3 years and 10 months

Specialty 35.02.06 – Agricultural Production Output and Processing Technology

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Qualification – Technologist

The area of professional activity– organization and execution of work for the production, storage, processing and pre-sales of agricultural products in the agricultural organizations

Form of training – full time

Duration of training–3 years and 10 months 

Specialty 35.02.07 Agricultural Mechanization

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Qualification – Technician-Mechanic

The area of professional activity–organization and work to ensure the installationand functioning of machines, facilities and other engineering and processing equipment for agricultural purposes

Form of training – full time

Duration of training– 3 years and 10 months

Specialty 36.02.01 – Veterinary

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Qualification – Veterinary Attendant

The area of professional activity– organization and implementation of the delivery of veterinary services through preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic measures

Form of training – full time

Duration of training– 3 years and 10 months

Specialty 38.02.01 Economics and Accountancy

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Qualification – Accountant

The area of professional activity– Accounting for the assets and liabilities of the organization; implementation and execution of business transactions; processing accounting information; preparing budgets and calculatingvariances; preparing financial statements; tax accounting; tax planning

Form of training – full time

Duration of training–2 years and 10 months

Specialty 38.02.05 – Merchandizing and Consumer Goods Quality Expertise

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Qualification – MerchandisingExpert

The area of professional activity–organization and work on trades in industrial, commercial and expert organizations; testing laboratories; state, regional and municipal authorities

Form of training – full time

Duration of training–2 years and 10 months



Specialty 23.02.07 – Maintenance and Repair of Engines, Systems and Units of Automobile

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Qualification– Specialist

The area of professional activity– 17Transport, 33 Service, provision of services to the tradepopulation, maintenance, repair, provision of personal services, hospitality services, catering, etc.

Form of training – full-time, part- time

Duration of training–full-time3 years 10 months; part-time 4 years 10 months

Specialty 35.02.16 – Operation and repair of agricultural machinery and equipment

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Qualification– Mechanical Technician

Area of professional activity – 13 Agriculture (in the sphere of use, maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery, cars and equipmentproduction, storage and processing of products of crop and livestock production)

Form of training – full time, part time

Duration of training – full-time3 years 10 months; part-time 4 years 10 months


Part Time Specialties:

23.02.07 – Maintenance and Repair of Engines, Systems and Units of Automobile (Specialty ТОP-50)

Qualification – Specialist

38.02.01 – Economics and Accounting (by Industry)

Qualification – Accountant

* After grade 9

Schoolboy – University Student

Pupils can combine their studies at school (grades 10 and 11) and at the university with a State-style diploma in selected specialties.


  • Simultaneous secondary general (school) and vocational education (university); and
  • The ACT diploma is an opportunity to enter higher education without the results of the Single State Examination.

Department of Secondary Vocational Education, phone: (4912) 34-30-35

Career Guidance Department,phone:(4912) 34-30-35

Department of Supplementary Education for Children and Adults

The Faculty of Pre-University Training and Secondary Vocational Education was established in 2011 to implement the concept of continuing education. The Faculty consists of three departments: secondary vocational education, supplementary education for children and adults, and career guidance. In 2019, the faculty was renamed the Faculty of Additional Vocational and Secondary Vocational Education. Since its inception, the Faculty has been managed by Doctor of Biological Science, Professor, and Teacher of the highest qualification category, Anna Sergeevna Emelyanova.

Applicants with a certificate of basic general education enter the faculty. The Department of Secondary Vocational Education of the Faculty implements educational programs in eight specialties.

The first graduation of mid-level specialists took place in 2014. To date, the faculty has trained more than four hundred graduates in six specialties.

Graduates are given the opportunity to receive higher education in full-time and part-time forms of study at the University without passing the USE within the framework of continuous education in the chosen specialty or direction of training.

Nonresident students are provided with a room in a comfortable hostel.